These little beauties were born on May 23, 2024. There are 2 black males, 2 black females, 2 chocolate males and 1 chocolate female. All are happy and healthy born in our living room and living their best lives. Mama Kona is such a wonderful mother and is taking such good care of them so far!
Both dogs have a great mix of personality. They are able to hunt when it's time to work and also love to sit around and just hang with their people. They are really great around children also.
The Dam ---
We own Kona and absolutely love her beautiful shiny black coat and her wonderful personality. She lives to snuggle on the floor or fetch the ball. She has such a keen nose, especially finding the ball in the snow. We do not hunt with her but she has hunting in her blood. Her dad is King Of Duck Acquisition "Koda" MH from R2K Pointing Labs. He is an avid hunter. Her mom has produced proven hunters all around the country. Kona is known for her love of her people, she is fiercely loyal and won't ever wander far from your side She is so very smart and has been easy to train.
The Sire ---
Remington Raizin Cayne is a proven hunter. He doesn't have any hunting titles but his owner is a hunting guide who has hunted with Cayne for years. Cayne is known for his drive, obedience and big blocky head. He loves to please and work but does have an amazing off switch. Cayne excels in anything thrown at him. He is also an amazing family dog, great with kids and other dogs! His weight is roughly 85lbs lean weight. He volunteers with the Canine Good Citizen program and also has AKC titles in dock diving.